Does KATI have a library?
Yes! Our library contains approximately 3500 books and occupies 220 sq. ft. at the heart of the Institute. The library is a hub for students discussing projects and research ideas with fellow students and staff. The library is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as well as online. All books are catalogued and searchable online by students and staff.
Online hybrid students can sign out books and they will be shipped directly to them. Students also have access to all the art therapy journals in the library. The collections cover a wide range of subject areas. Our administrator and volunteer library assistant, in addition to regular library duties, assist students in finding books.
The purchase of new books each year has created a strong art therapy resource for students and faculty. New books are chosen based on emerging trends in the field of art therapy, psychological approaches, and research. Library book purchases are also based on student interest for their theses and research.